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Customer Communications- Is Age More Than Just a Number?

Different age groups express different needs and wants when it comes to interacting with a business. Therefore, it has become so important that businesses are looking for ways to understand these differences. All in order to provide valuable customer communications.

Identifying and defining your target audience and their preferences allows a business to focus marketing efforts and generate leads in an efficient and effective way. Do you want to know how your customers prefer to communicate? Read on to find out more. 

Meeting the needs of different age groups

The pandemic has propelled the move online forward at an alarming rate. But that doesn’t just mean for millennials or Gen Z’s. With the pandemic came an increase in those aged between 35-44 and 45-55 making that change to online channels too. Particularly for interacting with businesses. As time went by, people of all generations have become more accustomed to this change and more comfortable with it too. However, there are still some key differences when it comes to interacting with a business that sets each group apart. 

Let’s take a deeper look at generational communication preferences!

The traditionalist

When we refer to the traditionalist generation we are talking about the GI generation (1924 or earlier) and the silent generation (1925-1945) combined. 

For these individuals the majority of their life was spent communicating through very traditional means. Such as through the use of hand written letters or the telephone. As a result, it is no surprise this generation feels most comfortable using phone calls or in person visits when interacting with a business. 

Baby boomers

Everyone has heard of the Baby boomer generation. Famously earning its name from the increased birth rate post WWII. 

Born between 1946-1964 research has found that this group tends to be more interested in quality and extensive product selection. Rather than forming strong relationships through personalized customer experience. Email is the preferred channel of this generation although they still hold telephone calls and face to face interactions in high regard. 

Generation X

Generation X (1965-1980) is an interesting one at that! This group was around when huge technological advancements were taking place. The way people were now able to communicate was evolving drastically. Computers, email and cell phones for personal use had allowed for a more instant interaction. Additionally, with the introduction of the internet and technology into their daily lives the face of communication was changed forever. As a result, SMS and email are the main digital channels used when interacting with a business. 

This is not to say that they are a stranger to Social media.  Facebook and Youtube are very popular. However, primarily for personal use and not for the purpose of talking with a brand or business. 


Millennials (1981-1997) grew up surrounded by accessibility to instant information and messaging channels at their fingertips.  With the introduction of social media, this allowed for a more interconnected generation. Therefore, this group tends to rely heavily on live chat, texting and email when communicating with businesses that provide that instant gratification. 

Furthermore, millennials are a mobile first generation who are very comfortable with technology. This means that with all the new channels being introduced, they are easily able to embrace and navigate them. Being mobile first also means that they expect fast replies when interacting with a business.  Above all, Millennials value personalised and tailored experiences. So make sure if this is your target audience that this is taken into consideration!

Gen Zs

Gen Zs (2000s) were born into the most advanced digital age. Surrounded by the newest technologies and abundance of channels. Social media is a very powerful platform for this generation interacting with businesses. Even for the whole shopping journey. Phone and email do not seem to be able to keep up with this bunch of tech savvy individuals who put a lot of trust into more modern forms of communication. 

Personalized experiences are still very important to Gen Z’s. Being great at taking on more than one channel at a time. This generation prefers communications with business and brands to be fast, efficient and more visually orientated. 

The right channel for the right age

It is important to note that it’s not one size fits all. Not every person who fits between a certain age group conforms to the wants and needs of that group. To deal with this, an omnichannel approach is your best bet. This will ensure that all touch points and channels are seamlessly integrated and aligned for individual experiences. This means you will also be able to cater to a larger target audience.

If you are looking to see business growth and positive results, making a conscious effort to provide personal experiences with your customers is a must. On top of this, identifying the right channels to do this on is equally important. 

Having the right strategy and software in place will be beneficial to implementing an omnichannel approach that will meet the needs of a range of ages. Discover how Conversation24 can bring your omnichannel dream to life!

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